Posts Tagged With: alabama


Photo by FLIC

Pamela Gomez (left) President of USF-SWER, and Mayra Hidalgo Salazar (right) from Polk State College SWER in Alabama. Photo by Young American Dreamers

Alabama is known for it’s racist history! Last year, Alabama passed the worst anti-immigrant law in the country.

In 1965 during the Civil Rights Movement, 25,000 marchers peacefully marched from Selma to Montgomery led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to ask to end to injustice, oppression and the right to vote for Blacks and all citizens. Once again thousands of individuals marched the historic route from Selma to Montgomery to highlight our present civil and human rights struggles. Immigrants, labor unions, and civil rights groups from all around the country came to Alabama to join the March for Immigrant and Voting Rights. The march was led by Rev. Al Sharpton, Martin Luther King III, and Dolores Huerta and many more civil, immigrant, labor, and human rights leaders.

Mayra Hidalgo Salazar marching with Dolores Huerta

Photo by Young American Dreamers

Florida sent a delegation! A bus from Miami left Wednesday, March 7. Miami and Florida Immigrant Coalition was present to emphasize that Anti-Immigrant Laws Hurt Us All. Last year Florida was victorious in defeating our anti-immigrant bill as faith, farm worker, businesses, students, immigrant communities united to show the contributions of immigrants in our state and the respect and dignity we deserve !

Photo by Maria Asuncion Bilbao

“In Unity Power Lies”! indeed and it was really powerful, touching and beautiful to see our African American and Immigrants communities united to end our common struggles and mutually support each other!

Photo by Rosana Araujo

WRAP UP– Check this out!

“What surprises me, father, is that this is supposed to be the bible belt. This is supposed to be people (who) believe in christianity. What christ do they serve? What bible do they read? I read in the bible about Jesus talking about a good Samaritan, who stopped by the side of the road to help a man- […] he didn’t ask him where he came from. He didn’t ask him for his papers. He didn’t ask him for his green card. He saw him in trouble and he helped him and Jesus called him a good Samaritan. I march in the name of Jesus Christ. It’s time for the Christian right to be the right Christians.“ – Rev. Al Sharpton.

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