Posts Tagged With: florida students

Administrative Relief Updates.

We have a few updates on Administrative Relief. Many S.W.E.R. chapters will be having info sessions on what to do next. Please stay updated, we will be posting your nearest city’s S.W.E.R. and any allies who are working to properly inform you:

The Homeland Security Department plans, marked “not for distribution,” describe steps that immigrants will need to take :

— A $465 paperwork fee — and how the government will manage the program. Illegal immigrants can request permission to stay in the country under the plan by filing a document, “Request for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals,” and simultaneously apply for a work permit starting Aug. 15.

–The internal government plans obtained by the AP provide the first estimates of costs, how many immigrants were expected to participate and how long it might take for them. It was not immediately clear whether or under which circumstances any immigrants would not be required to pay the $465 paperwork fee. The plans said there would be no waivers, but Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Congress last week that the government would grant waivers “in very deserving cases.” She said details were still being worked out.

–Once immigrants submit their applications, it could take between two and 10 days for the Homeland Security Department to scan and file it. It could take up to four weeks longer to make an appointment for immigrants to submit their fingerprints and take photographs. A subsequent background check could take six more weeks, then three more months for the government to make its final decision before a work permit would be issued.
Napolitano said new information about the program should be made available by Aug. 1. She has said immigrants would generally not be detained by immigration authorities while their application is pending.

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Like MLK, We Have A Dream

April 4th, 2012 marked the 66th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination. We could not think of a more appropriate time to hold a rally and join forces with groups from Tampa, Florida to protest the injustices of Oppressed Nationalities in America.

Tampa Students Working for Equal Rights , Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) came together and produced this amazing video made by our very own Paola and her husband Joe. We want to thank everyone who made this video possible and hope you spread the word of and or join our efforts!

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